It is said that the number of friends decides the level of success in our life. We try to make a wide range of networks in both business and private life. Among them, we also develop enemies. Some people might be good rivals or frenemy, others are real enemies who have a negative impact on our life. By knowing how to interact and handle these people in our life, we can move on without fear.
Understand what kind of enemy you deal with
There are different types of enemy, good rival, frenemy, real enemy. Good rival is a kind of enemy in a game; however, we basically respect each other with a fair attitude. Frenemy is friendly in public situations despite a fundamental dislike. If it has some advantage, they help you. But if not, they betray you easily. Real enemy, what’s called Nemesis, is a person who sets a trap for you in order to make you fail, who wishes for your unhappiness. Depending on who your enemy is and the nature of your relationship, you need to learn about how they work.
Keep your enemy close
If you keep your friends close, keep your enemy closer as well. If you want to vanquish your enemy, you need to learn how they win at everything. That means talking with your enemy, watching your enemy, and learning everything you can about the way your enemy thinks.
Many bullies, frenemies, and other kinds of enemies operate from a place of jealousy. Enemies will pick on things that they have anxiety about in their own life. If you’re being picked on about one thing, it might mean that your enemy has anxiety or they just want to embarrass you. Enemies hate people who threaten their position. In the workplace, enemies seek how to eliminate you from winning.
Observe your enemy
Your enemy antagonizes you. Therefore, you should analyse your enemy in order to make a strategy of how to defeat it. For example, who does your enemy associate with? What are your enemy’s interests? What does your enemy want? Learn what motivates your enemy and what your enemy is struggling with on the personal level.
Find your enemy’s weakness
Every enemy has a weakness. Finding the weakness will be essential to defeat your enemy, to get your enemy humiliated. It’s mainly over-confidence and strong competitiveness. Being put in a position of embarrassment will be devastating for this enemy. Many bullies have low self-confidence and low abilities. They are just looking for companionship since they feel undervalued and unloved. Many enemies are over-competitive people who want to win everything including human decency such as elegance, kindness. If you don’t play, they can’t win.
To sum up, if you want to defeat your enemy, act the same as your friends in order to learn your enemy. Ancient people also said this.