Is it necessary to change from old city to modern city? ―Why world heritage is important―

Modern Society

Historical cities, having containing lots of amazing architecture which were build hundreds of years ago, have been fascinating to many people. Nowadays, modern civilization faces the problems of changing old cities to new ones. Why is this a controversial issue? Why is World Heritage so important for us? This essay will discuss about the advantages and the disadvantages of this transformation in society and individuals.

Advantages of transforming to modern cities

One of the possible advantages of transforming old cities to new ones is the increase in comfort and convenience. As transport system of traditional cities is not well-organized, the introduction of the system makes people’s life better. It provides them with the opportunity to cover long distances, saving money and spending more time with their family and friends.

Advantages of remaining old cities

On the other hand, some traditional cities are already considered as world heritage. The buildings in the historical cities, reflecting the atmosphere, culture and spirit of the cities, should be preserved to be able to tell the history to next generations. Not only the historical buildings but also the scenery consisting of large and small ordinary houses and nature surrounding the cities are extremely valuable and will not be able to reconstructed again. Therefore, historical cities should not be transformed without sufficient reasons.


To sum up, changing the traditional cities to the modern ones have both positive and negative impact on society and individuals. Excepting security issue, traditional building and dwelling with everlasting people’s history will provide next generation with deep impression. This thought might especially come from people who live in countries which have thousands of years history or ancient civilization.


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